The good thing about stir fry is you don't have to measure anything and the ingredients are flexible. That is why I call it surprise, because it depends what I have in the fridge that needs using up. Today it was green onions and shrimp. A couple things I think make a big difference--sesame oil and cilantro. Don't skip those. Everything else substitute liberally.
This is how I made it tonight (the measurements are approximate), and then I'll give you my family's ratings.
4 c. jasmine rice
Cook according to package directions or in a rice cooker.
1/2 lb. shrimp
small box of tofu
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 c. soy sauce
Stir together and set aside to marinate while you're cooking the rest of it.
A few tablespoons oil--some sesame, some canola (sesame oil has a very strong flavor so you don't want to overdo it, and canola oil heats to a higher temperature than other oils like olive oil. High temperature is key to stir frying.)
1/3 head cabbage, shredded
1/4 c. chicken broth
Saute the cabbage over high heat for just a couple minutes, until it gets a little soft around the edges. Then pour on the chicken broth, not even to cover, and let it simmer until it is mostly evaporated and the cabbage is soft. Remove cabbage to serving plate.
1 carrot, shredded
1 bunch green onions, sliced
2 big handfuls bean sprouts
After the pan has heated up again (add a little more oil if there isn't enough moisture left from the cabbage), add the remaining vegetables and cook for a few minutes. Remove to serving plate with the cabbage. Add the soy sauce mixture and heat through. Toss everything together. Sprinkle a handful of chopped cilantro over the top. Serve over the rice.
Me--Better than some stir fries I've made, because I didn't let myself overcook the vegetables. I stopped cooking before I thought they were done, and they were just right. The shrimp was a little too salty but still edible, probably because it had salt added and then it sat in the soy sauce. If I'd used chicken or just tofu it would have been fine, or just tossed the shrimp in at the end.
Hubby--Ate a whole plateful without a comment. Probably means he could stand it but didn't love it. (He is very picky and asian food is not his favorite.)
5YO--Tasted the vegetables, made gagging noises and played dead. Ate his rice with bbq sauce on it.
4YO--Ate 3 platefuls of rice (no bbq) but didn't touch the vegetables I put on her plate because the bean sprouts looked like worms.
1YO--Two thumbs used as utinsels up. He ate 3 bowls of rice and vegetables.
I'm so glad you're doing this blog! It will be great to read. I also am a fan of stir fry. We do it at least once per week. I like to double or triple stir fry sauces like curry or orange and freeze them. Makes it so fast. My kids are also picky about the veggies.
This looks so professional--just like Rachel Ray! I think I will have to give this one a try!
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